Content structure:
Your critique of the GUI is mainly about the layout aspect. What about structural problems? Even though you mentioned that there isn't a clearly structure definition, but your argument is too general. Search by trip code is not important since most users don't know the code. I also disagree that diffeent font sizes should be used. It disturbs the visual of a GUI. There are many other methods to give emphasis (such as contrast and where you place the item).
Layout design:
Most of your critiques are not about layout. Recall that layout is about placing the items to respect the 5 principles: proximity, alignment, repetition, contrast, typography). You wanted to add an image to "today's trip." But where is it? The critique about "Today's travel story must be in a separated section, not in the main one." is about structure.
Visual consistency:
You didn't mention any of the expected answers (alignment, repetition). Your fixes are not correct with respect to what you said earlier ("Search by trip Code" uses big fonts and would be considered important in your earlier belief.) |